Library at a Glance

About Library:
The college established in 1986. That time library having Small room stack, now library having separate room which occupies an area of 100.60 Sq. Mts. consisting of a spacious reading hall, stacking section, text book section, periodical section, reference section, issuing counters etc. Library budget is near about 2, 00,000/- every year. The library is enriched with a huge collection of reference books, text books, periodicals and journals.
The Library came into existence in 1986, with the establishment of Institute of Management, Research and Technology. Initially the library was located in the small room in the main building and later on shifted to with spacious reading room and stack room in the year 1993-94. Library has good collection on different areas of knowledge.
• Library is administered by the Librarian, D. P. Topale with Library Advisory Committee.
The mission of the Library is to provide comprehensive access to the resources and innovative services to support teaching, learning and research activities of the college and thereby to cater diverse information needs of user community of this college. The library strives to develop balanced collection of information resources, irrespective of forms and to adopt technologies to provide better information services.
• Build better collection of resources across the formats to cater information needs of user
• To promote the use of resources to help the users to achieve their educational goals
• Provide various services and adopt strategies to enhance use resources of the library
• To offer personal assistance to select, organize and use the information.
• To maintain healthy environment for the students to study.
• To provide innovative services to the users.
• To provide better and timely access to the resources available in the library.
• To provide more and more access to the e-resources through Internet.
• To participate in resource sharing Program to enrich collection of the library
Special Features
• Internet Facility.
• Catalogue of back Volumes of Periodicals and Books available in the Library.
• News Paper cuttings of the College and Parent Institution and special accusations.
• Book exhibition
Library Advisory Committee
A Library Advisory Committee has been constituted in order to ensure proper administration of the library. It consists of a Chairman (Director), a student representative, a Secretary (Librarian) and Other 8 members. LAC meets twice a year to review the library related matters.
The LAC has well defined objectives.
• Library forms an integral part of an academic institution. A library committee has been constituted to facilitate effective and smooth functioning of the library.
• The advisory committee meets 2 times in an academic year to take decisions about various issues related to library facilities, services and its execution for better functioning.
Functions of the Library Advisory Committee
• To formulate rules and regulations of the library.
• To do annual planning and Annual Budget Provision.
• To purchase essential books, journals etc. as required by HOD, teachers and students.
• To make improvement in safety, security and facilities.
• To consider and put forward the views and ideas of faculty and students regarding
Members of Library Advisory Committee
Sr. No. Name of Member Designation
1 Dr. P.B.Surywanshi President
2 Mr. D. P. Topale Secretary (Librarian)
3 Dr. D. V. Nandre Convener
4 Dr. S. A. Gaikwad Member
5 Dr. B. D. Ekade Member
6 Dr. G. M. Ahire Member
7 Dr. J. J. Kadam Member
Director,IMRT Nasik
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