

The CAP students who are eligible for applying for Rajashri Chhtrapati Shahu Maharaj (EBC Scholarship) in the current academic year 2022-2023 may apply online at below link

Path: All Schemes > Directorate of Technical Education > Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC).


The student should be admitted through the CAP round.

The student should be from the Economically Backward Class i.e Annual family income should not exceed Rs.8, 00,000/- (Eight Lakhs).

For current Academic Year, Only 2 child from family are allowed for benefit of scheme.

During course duration, candidate should not have a gap of 2 or more than 2 years.

Documents Required

Following documents are required to be enclosed in given sequence to the application.

  1. Copy of CAP Admission Allotment Letter.
  2. Copy Family Income Certificate of Financial 2021-22 issued by Tahsildar / Sub. Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector.
  3. Copy of Fee Receipt 2022-23.
  4. Copy of Domicile Certificate.
  5. Copy of Statement of marks of Last Year (both the semester).
  6. Under taking Declaration certificate of parents/guardians about number of children beneficiaries.
  7. Copy of Aadhaar Card.
  8. Copy of Bank Passbook Front page & cancelled Cheque.
  9. Copy of Leaving Certificate.
  10. Copy of Ration Card.
  11. GAP Affidavit on Stamp paper (If Applicable).
  12. Copy of Death Certificate of Father, If not alive (If Applicable).


Direct Link to Mahadbtmahait site

 Fresh Student to the Portal Applicant should register on MahaDBT Portal 

  • Applicant should login into MahaDBT Portal
  • Applicant should create his/her profile 
  • Applicant should apply for scheme

Student Registration on Mahadbtmahait site

Guidelines for changing profile and submitting applications for the new academic year, for candidates already registered in the portal 

Dear Applicant, 

In order to apply the scheme for new academic year, make sure below changes should be done in your user profile (Note: User profile is in editable format) 

Step 1:- Personal Information: If any updation done in your aadhaar card then in Personal information tab click on Update Profile as per Aadhaar. 

Step 2:- Address Information: Update address information Correspondence Address Details.(Only if Required) 

Step 3:- Other Information: Update Other information.(Only if Required) 

Step 4:- Current course:1. In Current Course Section following details needs to be updated. 

Example I:- If your current course was first year pursing for A.Y 2018-19 then for A.Y 2019-20 follow the below steps 

1. Click on delete button to delete the entirely filled pursuing course information and again fill all details of last year pursuing course and select as completed and then fill current year pursuing course details accordingly 

2. Enter Percentage 

3. Select from drop down for Result 

4. Upload Mark sheet. 

5. Add Second year details as pursuing 

6. Update Admission date 

7. Update fees paid 

8. Upload fee receipt 

Example II:- If the Applicant Current course for Under Graduate Course was last year pursuing and now applicant is pursuing his first year Post Graduate Course then follow below step. 

1. Delete all Under Graduate Course details from Current course and put the same in Past qualification. 

2. In current course for A.Y 2019-20 Insert first year Post Graduate Course details. 

Example III:- If Applicant changes his course for first year even after receiving scholarship for his old course. 

1. Delete all details from Current course. 

2. Add New Details in Current Course. Step 5:-Past Qualification: Make the changes in the past qualification (if applicable). Step 6:-Hostel Details: Make the changes in the Hostel Details(if applicable).


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